Sunday, April 10, 2016

Three things I believe to be true...

11. What we call Love actually refers to a whole spectrum of relating….Its lowest, most physical and primal form is sexuality – sexual attraction, physical love – its highest form is compassion – unconditional love – and Love is everything in between them.

22. We are a species; we are subject to the laws of nature, we are not exceptions to them.

33. The soul is the vessel for truth.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

... some of the shit I've learned so far from my experience being married...Please just keep in mind that words can be misleading, and this is just another one of my attempts to share what is complex and beyond the limitations of my vocabulary.....

It is important to realize how deeply ingrained we all are with misunderstandings about love - the characteristics we expect relationships should have....that to partner with someone means to sacrifice our individuality....that another person completes us.

In truth,  its only two complete and whole individuals that can create a fruitful partnership able withstand the chaos and strife we meet with the passage of time.

It all depends entirely on what it is you, and her/him desire to give, are open to recieve, and willing to manifest from and through your partnership.

Our relationships should belong to both partners, equally sharing the responsibilities and difficulties, as well as its joys and benefits that the exchange of union create.

Are you in, or are you out?

Chances are if you are unhappy, so is she/he, and both of you have valid reasons behind that unhappiness.
But if both of you want to be together, then choose that, and do what is necessary to allow both of you to grow and to cultivate that Unconditional Love within each other and yourselves.

Commit to helping each other evolve, ascend, and develop your unique Soul-Selves....Seek to break down the barriers within yourselves that limit Love....Love radiates from within both of your beings, and it has opportunity to be stabilized and nurtured through your partnerships, it  flows through both of you, into each other, and it beckons your being to rise,  up and out, to infinity and beyond. : )

Be friends first, underneath all other definitions and labels you guys want to give it, should be a foundation of friendship.... friends are honest with each other, and are without judgment, friends love each other even when its uncomfortable or painful.  Friends don't let each other walk all over them, and they don't find pleasure in hurting one another.....We are not completely happy or content if a friend is struggling.

Love heals, and healing is often an uncomfortable, if not painful, uphill process.  

Understand where you are coming from, know what you want/are motivated by/acting on, and accept when you don't know....remember that you don't know each others' underlying motivations or inner workings without sharing them with one another.

Be honest with yourself first,  then honestly share what you know, and trust her to be honest with you, but call her out on it if she isn't. And she needs to do the same with you.

What I am trying to say is you need to make a choice....a difficult one, yes, but a necessary one.
And you need to follow it up with action and follow-through.

On the surface it might seem that you should break up and go your own way, but if you are torn between that and a second path,  you must to choose. 

..And trust me when i say that both paths will get you to where you need to be, but standing in the intersection of a crossroads will only get you hit by cars.

Either let each other be a part of your lives or don't. 

If you want to be together and create a safe space together from which you both can grow and become more, then both of you agree to do that, knowing that you must then see each others' shadows, and will have to figure out how to love each other that much more for the imperfections that you see and reveal.

If you are not coming from a place of self-acceptance and understanding, you are likely not coming from a place of self-love, and so you will be unable to give of your love to each other.

Living under the same roof changes the playing field upon which the relationship is defined and will make or break a bond.  Home is where you recover,  and it should be a safe space...

So, do you believe you can create that kind of space with her/him, or do you need to do it on your own for now.?.. . Redefining the boundaries around us is what we need to be doing in general....

Evolution of Consciousness

We cannot discover new oceans
Until we have courage to lose sight of the shore

The Personality linking with Soul to link with its Source, the Spiritual self is the Law of Correspondence.
"Christ consciousness" is the revelation of the Soul’s reality which is not necessarily the same as following one of the various religions of Christianity.

The way of unfoldment leading to this state is more rightly called "the Path of Discipleship". Christianity is one of the many roads leading to the One Noble Path.
The Soul does not have a religion.

The spark of God in every being.

The need of people and God for each other
Connection of all life, large and small
The very synthesis of Life
As Above, So Below. As Without so Within

Divinity is Love in Action.
Consciousness is the Expression of that Love.
Which brings us back to the ~Evolution of Consciousness~.

Stairway to the Soul and to Inner Revelation

Light resulting in greater Light
Elevation to Higher Purpose
Evocation of Divine Energy
"Spiritual" refers to all states of awareness, all activities which have as the common denomination the possession of values higher than average. Ethical, aesthetic, heroic and altruistic - not only to "religious" experiences.
Integrate spiritual into material.
United in awareness that spiritual growth and evolution is the inspiring force and focus of their lives.
Acceptance through knowing
Discrimination through intuitive perception
Loving through Conscious Awareness. 

Unity transcending diversion

Integrated Group Thinking
Underlying common Essence
Balanced polarity for Joyous thinking
{The state of being One Soul}
Each of us is responsible for the Co-creation of our own Destiny.
Server NOT servant
A sense of belonging to the Whole is created and we are "home" once again. Inner Peace, Joy, Courage then accompany the traveler on the journey

Strength of many serving a common aim

Mutual respect, love and co-operation
Wide range of effective relationships
Creative energy including more Light
Co-operation not competition 

Positive energy transforming the world

Contagious inspiration to others
Open door for communication and co-operation
Co-hesive force for good
(Will to Good) 

Keynote of the New Age

Love and Intelligence
Working as a team
Responsible Group Service for humanity
"Self" forgetfulness
Namelessness and right speech

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Riding the Great Wheel

I am facing east, 
sensing that which is about to rise 
from the deeper self,
and seeing that which is just emerging, 
just rising.  
I am orientated. 

I project my unique image of what is rising, 
clearly and beautifully, 
so that others see 
who I am, and relate positively to me.

I recognize that which has emerged from the deep self,
but is still below the horizon, 
- my talents and resources -
and I develop them effectively and creatively.  

I manage my possessions and finances constructively,
and I use them realistically,
to bring me fulfillment.

 I am lying face down on the Earth.  

I sense the security and peace of Earth;s center. 
Peace and security live in my inner self. 
Wherever I am, 
whatever I am doing, 
I feel at home. 

With my roots in the deep wellspring that nourishes me,
 my life grows and flowers.
I sense the first emergence of what I am learning 
from the deep self.

I learn well, I think clearly,
and I communicate my insights effectively. 
I sense the pattern of my Inner Earth Self below me 
as it reflects, and is reflected by, 
the Upper sky self. 

Inner Earth self and Outer sky self
 unite in the flowering of my life.  

I achieve my goals and perform my public roles 
creatively and effectively 
 raising my performance level for greater fulfillment.  

I connect with the right use of authority, 
 whether coming to me from others, 
or from myself to others.

I am seeing that which is the midpoint between 
my personal ~I~ consciousness,
and my transcendent consciousness.

My inner child plays as I create with others.

 My inner consciousness 
joins with that which is just emerging overhead, 
from the culmination point 
of outer, higher consciousness 
illuminating the world below me. 

I am facing west,
 and sensing that which has just set below the horizon 
- the connecting point -
of the outer ~Heavens~ consciousness, 
and my inner Earth self.

I function clearly and effectively in any circumstances, 
learning from others and serving them, 
as I also teach and receive services from them.  

My life support systems, my activities, and my vehicles of expression, 
including my body, 
function smoothly and well.

I see that which has just risen above the horizon into light, 
from my inner Earth self.  

I accept whatever is emerging 
and see how the energies of my inner Earth self 
integrate into those of the outer Sky self, creatively 
as part of the whole.

My hidden energies manifest themselves
 in beautiful, fulfilling, constructive ways, 
in resonance with universal energies.

The broader horizons I see 
expand my personal consciousness 
and bring me understanding of truths 
that illuminate my own life 
and that I can impart to others.

My relationships 
to the familiar people and places in my environment 
are satisfying and fulfilling.

I perform from my heart, beautifully, 
my part in the human orchestra.
And the music we make together, 
is from the center where our hearts are united.

I see that which balances my experiences of individuals 
with my experience of higher consciousness.  

I accept the endings in my life 
as they clear the way for fulfilling new beginnings.

My consciousness and life are renewed, 
creatively transformed.  

My relationships - 
between parts of myself and myself and others - 
generate resources and power 
for productive accomplishment.

I am seeing what which my outer consciousness 
is transmitting to my inner consciousness.   

I am fulfilled by the dynamic dance of energies 
flowing between myself and another, 
between the parts of myself that I identify with 
and the parts that seem separate.  

We balance and create.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Prayer to Hecate

Hecate, when I doubt,
        Show me my strength;
When I am mistaken,
      Show me the correct path;
Light the crossroads before me,
      That I may see my way.

Queen of Transitions,
       Guardian of Doorways.
                   Hecate, Bless my Journey.

Through Dark and Dawn,
     Day and Dusk,
Help me bring balance between the forces
     within Myself.

This I ask this of You,
     In perfect Love ;
         In Perfect Trust.

Light and Dark,
      Above and Below

Just as my shadow exists within a backdrop of light,
      I am not whole if I am one without the other...

Random Babbles as of LAte

No longer the same Soul I once was
The metamorphosis is changing me.
My awareness shifting
My perspective different
My eyes renewed
My Soul lightened.
What I was, has made me what I Am.
What I will be, I will decide.
For now, I exist.
For now, I Am.

...Assume you think you have a choice of eight pre-defined paths, and assume that you can't see any real purpose in any of them. Then - you must find a Ninth path...
...if you number yourself one of the disenchanted, then you have no choice but to accept things as they are, or to seriously seek something else. But beware of looking for goals; look instead, for a way of life. Decided How you want to live, and then see what you can do to make a living within that way of life...

Wisdom of the ages,
be here with me now.
Sacred Book of Changes,
This Promise I do Vow:
To honor those before me,
To preserve the secrets, legends, myths and lore
To hold my place within the Spiral of Time
To pass along the Torch, contained within my Sacred Grimoire.

Blessed be,
this instrument of Art.
By Human hands 'twas made,
and by Magick be now changed!
No more an ordinary book in my eyes,
But a Grimoire, dedicated to the Craft of the Wise.
By all the power of three times three,
As I Will, so mote it be!

The Book of Changes
The Book of Lore
The Book of Memory
The Book of Visions
The Book of Lights and Shadows
The Book of Transformation
The Book of Foundation

...Peace. Harmony. Laughter. Love...
Who Am I? What do I want? What is my role?
...bring awareness to the Heart....
Being, Feeling, Thinking. Doing.
Finding my voice and then using it as best I can, always making improvements using the information and insight I gain from the feedback I receive form others...

Art is born in Attention. Its midwife is detail...
In order to function in the Language of Art, we must learn to live in it comfortably.
The language of Art is Image, Symbol..
In filling the Well we think Magick, we think delight, we think Fun.
Recognize, nurture and protect the inner artist so i will be able to move beyond pain and creative constriction,
Leap, and the net will appear.
Creativity is an experience, a spiritual experience..,..

...At all times, and in all ways, working with Source is a co-operative venture, an exercise in co-creation....